In Canada, osteopathy isn't as well known as massage therapy or acupuncture. I use a gentle and effective method of unlocking tissue. It's similar to physio therapy where the treatment is done in looser/sport clothing. You can expect:
A treatment usually involves active movement from the client, with gentle stretching and positioning from the therapist. Treatments are pain free and never jarring. Throughout the treatment, I will constantly assess and then reassess to ensure the treatment is effective because the goal is to provide clinical and long-lasting results. What separates a Manual Osteopath from similar professions is that we look at the body as a whole unit, a complete structure, rather than isolating the problem to one joint or muscle. I am excited to offer free 15-minute Manual Osteopathy treatments to my massage clients—you can book on our booking website. I am studying with the National Manual Osteopathic College and I require clinical hours to complete the program, so this practical experience is a huge benefit to me and I’m hoping it will be of benefit to you as well! To learn more about Osteopathy, the short video below does a great job of explaining it:
AuthorZarko is a Calgary-based Manual Osteopath Archives
May 2021
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